
Located at: 710 Rossville Road, Waukon, IA.
Red building, next to WW Homestead Dairy
2024-25 School Year Registration opens:
April 8 for
Current Students / April 15 for New Students
  • Tuition fee listed is a MONTHLY fee - based on 4 weeks per month. Tuition will be 25% more if there are 5 weeks in a month or 25% less if there are only 3 weeks in a month. 
  • Tuition fees will be automatically charged on the 25th of each month.
  • There are no make-ups or refunds for dropped or missed classes. You are paying to hold your spot in your class. To ensure that class sizes stay consistent we cannot allow make-ups at your convenience. 
  • All classes are independent - no parents in the gym area.